Sunday, October 6, 2013

Update! I'm 21 now. Woop!

It’s three AM on the sixth of October. I decided its about time I quite avoiding this blog and finally write a little bit of an update.

I turned 21…”finally.”

I remember when I was 18 and I could only imagine all the beer I was going to buy EVERYDAY once I was 21. Now, being the 21 years of age I am, all I really want is more coffee and sleep. I can guarantee I am getting plenty of coffee, so at least half of my wishes are coming true.

But I keep forgetting I have reached this age that use to mean so much to me. Now it’s time to be an adult…..pfftt. ..NOT.

I just spent the last four hours watching cartoons with my friends in my dorm room. Of course I am sure there are adults out there that still do this and more power to em.

Last weekend I had the opportunity to talk to my best friend on the phone. It had been about a year since we spoke via telephone and we haven’t seen each other in two years. I miss that guy so much and it’s just crazy exciting to think that I actually get to see him this Christmas.

Well onto school. I switched my major from Comm studies to Film and TV and all I can say so far, two weeks in, I am really enjoying it. But I want to be skeptical so we will see how it plays out. In reality I might be having TOO much fun in this department. Look for me on the big screen soon. ;)

This one is short but I will bring up something I discussed with my friend today to close. It has to do with being thankful and humble.

I will tell anyone and everyone that I hate school. But now I am deciding that it isn’t very appropriate for me to say anymore. I am blessed to have the opportunity to earn a college education. There are probably millions of people that would kill to have what I have. I think that this life is hard, and the world a cruel place. I think these things only because of my “miniscule” experiences of “pain” and “suffering.” The world has it a lot worse than I do and I see myself as being “well off” when it comes to life sucking. I have also learned that a lot of people are going to crap all over you and treat you like the lowest of the low. I have learned this the hard way by mainly putting my faith into the wrong people. But the good news I got out of this is that I have accepted this fact. I am going to be treated like crap by people I had high hopes for, for the rest of my life. And the main key I leave with you, is that you and I, should not crap on others. Since my struggles aren’t as serious as children in Africa or Syria or really anywhere that isn’t America, I think that if we take the pain and give it to God, he will do all the cleaning for us.

I don’t know where I am going in life just yet. I have decided that I will not steer the course of my life, but rather slam hard on the gas pedal and have faith in God to direct me. That way I’m always moving forward and onward for His glory and I know He will show me the way.

And that’s all I got for you. Thank you for reading another story about James Scar and his un-edited blog.

“May you go forth and do what it is you set to go forth and do.”